Most Super Robot Man

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Swan falls in love with Swan shaped boat

A male swan seems somewhat... confused about its love life. It seems to have fallen for a large plastic paddle boat shaped like a swan. It is reported to be behaving in the typical fashion that males do when in love: circling its mate, staring at it endlessly, making cooing noises, and generally making an ass of himself. He must be one horny bird to over look the fact that his soul mate is 20 times his size and has people sticking out of her back.

Apparently he's very committed, as he refuses to fly south for the winter without the company of the "female" swan. So as not to angry this confused little bird, the owners are keeping the paddle boat floating in the water during the winter.

I'm sure it won't be long until Disney buys the writes for this story and Robbin Williams gives the voice for the persistant swan.



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