CIA looking to hire more blondes

Valerie Plame testified to a Congressional panel how much it sucks to be outed as a CIA spook by the White House. Typical woman thing to do. Complain, complain complain...
I mean, why can't she just suck it up like a man would and stop whining. It can't be that bad to have your life turned inside out for the world to see, have all your friends and business contacts cut you off, and to never be able to travel over seas again without fear of being captured and interrogated by other countries' spies. Wuss.
My opinion is that this whole controversy didn't go far enough. I think the White House should out all the blonde spies we have. And I should be the first one to debrief them. Because my debriefings involve candles, moonlight walks, Barry White music, and a feeling of mild regret the next morning.
CNN - Ex-CIA operative: Leak severely hurt U.S. intelligence
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