Most Super Robot Man

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Ford and GM are still screwing us

I feel like blowing the conspiracy whistle again. But this time it involves cars instead of politics so its not boring.

The X Prize Foundation is challenging private citizens to build the world's fist 100mpg car, with a possible prize of $25 million. The part that pisses me off is the fact that people have to offer millions of dollars worth of prizes to do something the American automotive industry should have - and very well could have - done a decade ago.

The electric car is not anything new - Thomas Edison designed the one in 1890. And GM had a fleet of 500 fully-working production-grade all electric EV1's in 1996.

But GM screwed us over and shot itself in the foot by destroying every electric car it made under suspicious circumstances.

Another interesting fact: The Ford Model T in 1908 actually got better gas mileage than today's Fords. After reading a comparison of the Model T and Ford Explorer's fuel efficiencies, tell me something doesn't smell right in Detroit.


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