Most Super Robot Man

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

How to stalk people on Digg

Digg is a useful site for keeping up to date on the web, but it can be overwhelming to have so much stuff to be constantly keeping up to date on. Enter Digg Labs to help us visualize the popular articles easier.

It also is fun to "spy" on what other users are currently reading in real time with the Digg Swarm tool. Shown above, the yellow dots are Digg users logged in with a line connecting them to the story they are currently viewing. Mouse over the dots to see the user's alias with the interactive Flash graph.

This tool can also be used to keep Digg itself honest. Today for instance the article about insurgents in Iraq blowing up two children was dug 241 times (a very high number) but was not listed on Digg's main page for popular content. The Swarm and Stack tools clearly showed how popular the article was, and some users cried fowl that Digg was censoring sensitive articles like these.

In fact, someone created a blog with a single post just to assert the idea that Digg is practicing censorship on itself.

Interesting how Digg's own tool might have uncovered something potentially scandalous about their own site...

Tools that watch Digg:

Why is Digg Being Censored?

Digg Swarm

Digg Stack

Digg Bigspy

Digg Spy


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